What are Technology Readiness Levels? (TRLs)
TRL stands for ‘Technology Readiness Level’, and it is a widely used measurement system designed to make an educated evaluation of the maturity level of a particular technology (TWI). This is especially vital during the acquisition phase of a technology, allowing engineers to have a consistent datum of reference for understanding technological evolution, regardless of their technical background.
How DeepTech Solves A Purpose
The fundamental focus of deep tech is to pioneer new solutions that solve society’s biggest issues – this applies to everything from chronic disease, climate change, clean energy and food production (Medium). This kind of enabling power is certainly very profound and has the potential to bring about real change in the world.
The Founders Dilemma: Rich vs King
The founder’s dilemma often stems from the ‘why’:
“What was the motivation behind your startup?”
“What is the end goal?”
“What made you do X, and why did you choose Y?”
What is Green Tech?
It’s hard to go a week without hearing about the ever-growing necessity to secure a green future. The term ‘green technology’ has started to pop up with more frequency, but what exactly is green technology, and why is it important? Above all, what does green technology look like, and how can it be applied to the world around us?
Interview: The Future Of Communication Technology
Interview Originally Posted By Thrive Global
The telephone totally revolutionised the way we could communicate with people all over the world. But then came email and took it to the next level. And then came text messaging. And then came video calls. And so on…What’s next? What’s just around the corner?
In this interview series, called ‘The Future Of Communication Technology’ we are interviewing leaders of tech…
Founding A Deep Tech Venture Builder
Interview Originally Posted By Billion Success Here
Cambridge Future Tech is a Tech Venture Builder with a vision to help facilitate the next generation of Deep Tech innovation. We work to commercialize scientific discoveries, platform-level innovations that fundamentally improve the way the world works.
What does it take to scale a deeptech company?
Originally Posted by Tech Nation Here.
“We define a deeptech company as one bringing a new foundational technology that has the potential to radically change how an industry or even the world fundamentally works,” explains Cambridge Future Tech COO. “The tech and engineering challenges are great, and a deeptech venture is hungry for talented people – often with very specific knowledge and experience requirements.”
Challenges in Growing From 1 to 10 Employees
The biggest change is always communication and it’s the mindset that fundamentally has to change, or the company is dead.
Three friends sitting in a room working on a project do not need the think about how to communicate, it flows naturally and constantly.
Pivots, Partnerships and Innovations
Owen Thompson, an alumnus of Wolfson College and Xavier Parkhouse-Parker, an alumnus of Homerton College, discuss how they met whilst studying at Cambridge Judge Business School. Now they are working together to grow two exciting ventures.
The Cambridge Phenomenon
Cambridge has been at the epicentre of a vast array of discoveries and innovations which have fuelled technology and changed the way the world fundamentally works, catalysed by the so-called ‘Cambridge Phenomenon’. The pioneering attitude and originality of the people in Cambridge…